Clear | Focused | Connected

Benefits of Corporate Yoga Programs

With the increasing awareness of the importance of maintaining physical and mental well-being, offering regular yoga sessions can significantly employees and contribute to a healthier work environment.

Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical exercise, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. By introducing weekly or monthly yoga sessions, we can provide your employees with an opportunity to enhance their overall well-being in various ways.

Improved Physical Health: Yoga sessions involve gentle stretching, strengthening exercises, and postures that promote flexibility, balance, and overall physical fitness. Regular practice can help reduce the risk of common workplace issues such as back pain, muscular tension, and repetitive strain injuries.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Yoga has proven to be an effective stress management tool, allowing individuals to relax, focus on their breath, and release tension. By providing an outlet for employees to unwind and reset, we can enhance their ability to cope with stress, thereby reducing absenteeism and boosting productivity.

Increased Mental Clarity and Focus: Yoga incorporates mindfulness techniques that encourage individuals to be present in the moment, fostering mental clarity and improving concentration. By engaging in regular yoga sessions, our employees can enhance their cognitive abilities, leading to greater efficiency and productivity in their work.

Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Yoga sessions provide an opportunity for our employees to step away from their desks and dedicate time to self-care. By encouraging a healthy work-life balance, we can help alleviate burnout, increase job satisfaction, and foster a more positive and engaged workforce.

Team Building and Camaraderie: Yoga sessions can be conducted as group activities, promoting a sense of unity and camaraderie among employees. By participating in a shared experience, colleagues can build stronger relationships, improve communication, and enhance teamwork.

Corporate Yoga Package Options

  • Single Yoga Session

    One 30 min Session: $150

    One 1 hr Session: $300

  • Weekly Yoga Sessions

    30 min: $75

    1 hour: $150

    *Discounted weekly session price requires a 12 week contract

  • Monthly Yoga Sessions

    30 min: $100

    1 hour: $200

    *Discounted weekly session price requires a 6 month contract