Understanding the Koshas

The koshas are used to describe the five metaphysical layers within the body. Kosha in Sanskrit translates to “sheath.” As you move from the outer layers to the inner layers, you get deeper into the core of the self or the Atman.

Annamaya Kosha

  • Outermost layer

  • Most tangible

  • Helps us to connect to physical sensations and invites students to pay attention to sensations in the body

  • This layer is achieved through physical asana practice

  • Most people can access this layer

Pranamaya Kosha

  • Second layer

  • The pranamaya kasha is part of the subtle body

  • Not necessarily tangible but it is able to be felt and experienced

  • Includes the expansion of energy and breath within your physical body

  • Ability to sense and feel vibrations within space

  • Much of our communication is experienced on an energetic level

Manomaya Kosha

  • This is the kosha where dreams, fantasies, and thoughts appear

  • Mantras and affirmations are present in this layer

  • Samskaras: the impressions created in our minds and thoughts by our actions

Vijnanamaya Kosha

  • This is the Kosha of intuition and awareness, inner knowing

  • Through meditation we are able to act as the observer of our conditioning. 

    • Types of conditioning: environment, earth time, personal karma

  • Overtime thoughts, emotions & conditioning stop ruling over your life.  

  • They may still be relevant but much less present and controlling over your actions.

Anandamaya Kosha

  • The final layer is our Anadamaya Kosha. 

  • This is our innermost sheath. 

  • This Kosha cannot be learned; it must be felt or experienced. 

  • This layer can’t be accessed without first going through each layer before.


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