How to choose a yoga retreat to attend?

Choose Your Leader

Do some research on your retreat leader. Understand their qualifications for leading a retreat. Look for retreat leaders that are E-RYT500 and have experience in retreat facilitation. These leaders will be best prepared to guide your yoga retreat experience.

Pick Your Weather

Decide if your heart is set on a warm weather destination like Mexico or if you want to experience a rugged cold weather location like Northern Alaska. The weather will dictate what activities your group takes part in so be sure to pick a location that you are excited about!


There is a vast range of accommodations that are offered in a retreat setting. Evaluate how you would like to experience your retreat: Eco Friendly, Off Grid, Luxury, etc. Be sure that the retreat you are looking at has what you want in terms of accommodations and amenities.


Choose a program that has dynamic programming with activities included your pricing. Know what is included and what costs extra before you sign up! Some retreats also offer continued education credits - this adds a ton of extra value and can be a great educational experience!


Choose a retreat that fits within your budget. You never want to over extend yourself financially, so plan ahead for any additional expenses that may come up. Know whether there is an expectation of transportation costs, tipping, etc. Some retreat leaders provide welcome gifts which adds value. Plan ahead for how much you want to spend on souvenirs.

Interested in joining us in an upcoming retreat? Kintsugi Yoga leads retreats domestically and internationally. Learn more HERE.


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